Perform Divide by zero on different data types of Java

UPDATED: 11 October 2015

60% - 70% Java developer thinks that if you divide any number with zero '0' gives you java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

short / Short / int / Integer / long / Long
When you perform divide by zero (0) on mentioned data types then it will give you java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero irrespective of Positive Number, Negative Number or even Zero(0).

float / Float / double / Double
When you perform divide by zero (0 or 0.0) on mentioned data type then it will give you different result based on Positive Number, Negative Number and Zero(0).
  • Positive Number / 0 or Positive Number / 0.0 - Gives Infinity
  • Negative Number / 0 or Negative Number / 0.0 - Gives -Infinity
  • 0 / 0.0 or 0.0 / 0 - Gives Nan (Not A Number)

Source code
public class DivideByZeroExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
             * All below operation will give you
             * 'java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero'
            short a = 111;
            short a1 = 0;
            Short x = 123;
            Short x1 = 0;
            int b = 222;
            int b1 = 0;
            Integer y = 234;
            Integer y1 = 0;
            long c = 333;
            long c1 = 0;
            Long z = 345L;
            Long z1 = 0L;
        } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
        /* Performing Divide by zero on floating data types */
        float d = 111;
        float d1 = 0;
        System.out.println(d + "/0" + " , " + -d +"/0 [float(Positive/(-)Negative) Divide by zero gives (Infinity/-Infinity)]: " + d/0 + " , " + -d/0);
        System.out.println(d1 + "/0" + " [float '0.0' Divide by zero gives 'Nan' (Not A Number)]: " + d1/0);
        Float e = 123F;
        Float e1 = 0F;
        System.out.println(e + "/0" + " , " + -e +"/0 [Float(Positive/(-)Negative) Divide by zero gives (Infinity/-Infinity)]: " + e/0 + " , " + -e/0);
        System.out.println(e1 + "/0" + " [Float '0.0' Divide by zero gives 'Nan' (Not A Number)]: " + e1/0);
        double m = 111;
        double m1 = 0;
        System.out.println(m + "/0" + " , " + -m +"/0 [double(Positive/(-)Negative) Divide by zero gives (Infinity/-Infinity)]: " + m/0 + " , " + -m/0);
        System.out.println(m1 + "/0" + " [double '0.0' Divide by zero gives 'Nan' (Not A Number)]: " + m1/0);
        Double n = 123D;
        Double n1 = 0D;
        System.out.println(n + "/0" + " , " + -n +"/0 [Double(Positive/(-)Negative) Divide by zero gives (Infinity/-Infinity)]: " + n/0 + " , " + -n/0);
        System.out.println(n1 + "/0" + " [Double '0.0' Divide by zero gives 'Nan' (Not A Number)]: " + n1/0);

java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
 at com.javaquery.math.DivideByZeroExample.main(
111.0/0 , -111.0/0 [float(Positive/(-)Negative) Divide by zero gives (Infinity/-Infinity)]: Infinity , -Infinity
0.0/0 [float '0.0' Divide by zero gives 'Nan' (Not A Number)]: NaN
123.0/0 , -123.0/0 [Float(Positive/(-)Negative) Divide by zero gives (Infinity/-Infinity)]: Infinity , -Infinity
0.0/0 [Float '0.0' Divide by zero gives 'Nan' (Not A Number)]: NaN
111.0/0 , -111.0/0 [double(Positive/(-)Negative) Divide by zero gives (Infinity/-Infinity)]: Infinity , -Infinity
0.0/0 [double '0.0' Divide by zero gives 'Nan' (Not A Number)]: NaN
123.0/0 , -123.0/0 [Double(Positive/(-)Negative) Divide by zero gives (Infinity/-Infinity)]: Infinity , -Infinity
0.0/0 [Double '0.0' Divide by zero gives 'Nan' (Not A Number)]: NaN