JClock (javaQuery.swing.JClock) A Swing class for clock
UPDATED: 13 June 2013
Introducing whole new class JClock for swing application. I was thinking for a long, why there ain't any component for displaying clock in swing application. Finally I coded JClock.java class. So let's have a look at coding part.
So its simple and easy to implement in your swing application. You can have your JLabel properties as it is. Happy Coding...
JClock |
/* * JClock(JLabel clock, boolean hour, boolean minute, boolean second, boolean AM_PM) * Pass the label reference you want to display clock * Indicate the time flag as per your need * You can change the Clock text size, color, font, etc... by providing JLabel property */ import javaQuery.swing.JClock; JClock javaQueryClock = new JClock(jLabel1,true,true,true,true);
So its simple and easy to implement in your swing application. You can have your JLabel properties as it is. Happy Coding...