How to create mobile tracking application?
How to create mobile tracking application for blackberry, android, etc... mobile device?
We all use mobile device and we worried about lost. f you are programmer than you can create the application to protect your device rather then buying the application. I'll give you idea about how you can use the logic to create that application.
I'm java programmer and now a days all device are using java. If you are Java Programmer then you can create it. I created this application for my "Blackberry" and i'll upload it asap on the site for free use. If you are geek and wanna create it you can easily create the application that makes your device secure. You should think about your device of 20-25k so please secure it.
All mobile in the world have four data available in it. Mobile company use it to provide network and detect where actually you are on the world. Even Google maps is using this data to show your location.
The Four data are:
1. Mobile Country Code (MCC) - To detect current country of device.
2. Mobile Network Code (MNC)- Te delete current service provide.
3. Local Area Code (LAC)- To detect device in which region.
4. Cell ID - Unique id of that region.
Step 1:
Store your current SIM number, Password to unlock the application, Recovery Contact in persistence memory.
Mobile Start > Get current inserted SIM number > Match with SIM number stored in persistence memory
if(matched){ // Ok show login box } else{ // send msg to recovery contact with below details (MCC,MNC,LAC,Cell ID) // show login box }Extract all this data from device using java code.
/* Following code is for Blackberry */ int MCC = RadioInfo.getMCC(RadioInfo.getCurrentNetworkIndex()); int MNC = RadioInfo.getMNC(RadioInfo.getCurrentNetworkIndex()); int LAC = GPRSInfo.getCellInfo().getLAC(); int CELLID = GPRSInfo.getCellInfo().getCellId();This is sample code for blackberry to get Mobile Country Code, Mobile Network Code, Local Area Code,Cell ID. You can do it for your device like(Android,blackberry,etc...).
Note: Some of you think if message comes from some number then you get idea that your mobile is with the number that sent you message and you can contact the service provider to locate and get your device back. But if you are developer then you have to provide service to users that shows location on some maps(Google Maps)
Step 2:
- Use GeoLocation class of javaQuery 8.1 API
Pass the above data to some free service provider. They will give you longitude and latitude. Get more information from:
Step 3:
Use other site to display location using Latitude-Longitude.
For Developer: Pass Latitude - Longitude to google maps that will show you location.